As of Friday April 10 at 11:59 PM it is illegal for non-residents to fish in Oregon state, barring those who have lived there for 6 months without establishing residency.
On the other side of the Columbia River, Washington State is closed down to all fishing - regardless of when and where. Private, public land - it's all closed until at least May 4th.
During the spread of Covid-19 and the subsequent "Social Distancing" measures, a massive change in lifestyle has become the norm for states all around the country. Many restrictions and closures of specific areas (State Parks, County Parks etc.) are in effect.
A Clackamas River Steelhead caught by a Washington Resident in Late-March
Washington State, under the pressure of Jay Inslee, is the only state in the Union with a statewide ban.
Although Washington anglers, who purchased Oregon fishing licenses are unhappy with the restriction on traveling to Oregon and fishing, it does make sense from a standpoint of protecting the ability of Oregonians to fish.
Washington really should have taken that same approach.
Rural Oregon communities, who have low populations but great fishing, were reporting lots of out-of-town traffic from Washington residents looking to get into some fish during this time of uncertainty and closure.
The Statewide Closure of fishing in Washington has put added pressure on Oregon, which would not have been an issue if WDFW had ordered a more "restricted" fishing opportunity.
Currently as it stands - here is the order:
Fishing and shellfishing seasons: All recreational fishing and shellfishing is closed until at least May 4 statewide in response to the governor’s order to "Stay Home, Stay Healthy" and limit the spread of coronavirus.
In contrast - look at the "Outdoor Recreation" Order
Outdoor recreation during "Stay Home, Stay Healthy" order:
- Do outdoor activities only with people in your immediate household - not extended families.
- Enjoy the outdoors close to home instead of traveling. The general rule of thumb: If you have to drive, it's too far.
- If you encounter others, maintain a minimum of 6 feet of physical distance.
- Gatherings of any size are not allowed outdoors, just as they are not allowed indoors.
This same logic could have been applied to fishing, but instead, fishing is seen as something other than outdoor recreation. Some of the main concerns were "ancillary" activities like fueling up, stopping by the store, and driving across the state.
Hindsight may be 20-20, but looking at the lead of 49 other states, there are ways to ensure social distancing, keep state lands closed, and still allow people to fish.
WDFW - here is a suggested solution.
- Reopen Fishing
- Keep high-traffic areas closed to fishing and recreation
- No fishing outside of your own county.
- Only fish with members of own household or solo.
- No Guided Fishing until May 4th.
- No non-resident angling until May 4th.
Do you agree with Washington's state-wide closure? Did Oregon have a better approach?
Jay Inslee is a joke. He keeps the “pot” stores open as essential. But has closed the fishing (and hunting) as nonessential. To hell with the governor. I am asking everybody in Washington to go fishing on April 18th. Just remember to keep a “safe distance.”
I’M in Oregon, maybe fish washington, once or twice a year. if i need to go there for something. I don not support full closure they have, I think its unnecessarily targeting a specific group. while hikers rockhounders, boaters are all allowed to continue. these activities share same areas, and are more often used as social activities, vs hunting and fishing. also many rural areas, I’m sure same as here in oregon. families have in someway. budgeted there food costs around ability to get from nature. closure, unnecessarily forces them to buy more food, spending more money. money they may not have right now with job losses reaching unprecedented levels.
Oregon has the right idea along with the other states. I think we need to make hunting and fishing a constitution right like California. To make sure this doesn’t happen in the future. The democrats are testing very dangerous waters right now. I think to see just how far they can push before we do something about it.
I wholeheartedly believe our shutdown was extremely premature. Oregon had the perfect idea on how to keep things open and I believe that if Jay Inslee gave an actual shit about the citizens in the state of Washington, then he would have sought out options to keep us out and able to track down and catch fish to FEED OUR FAMILIES!!! He has the director of our lame department so far up his ass it disgusting. Now, because of his decisions we have ZERO opportunity to fish ANYWHERE!!! There is something seriously wrong with his decision making and I wish someone would go in and overthrow him and GET HIM OUT OF OFFICE!!!! I am sick and tired of his uneducated ass making terrible, unnecessary decisions to feed his own ego. This situation was handled with complete ignorance and laziness. It needs to be reworked and looked at by someone who gives a damn about ya and not their own agenda.